! refine.inp -- Clean up the output of dgsa.inp using simulated annealing, ! including Van der Waals and electrostatic forces ! Dave Schweisguth , 21 Jul 1996 ! Derived from nmr/refine_gentle.inp evaluate ($t=300) ! Temperature for constant-temperature MD evaluate ($steps=40000) ! Number of steps of constant-temperature MD evaluate ($timestep=0.0005) ! Time of each MD step set seed=@xplor.seed end ! Use 'xplor -s' set echo=off message=off end ! Normal use !set echo=on message=all end ! Auxiliary file debugging structure @rsf.inp end parameter @XPLORLIB:toppar/dna-rna-allatom.par end noe nres=1000 @noes.stem.inp @noes.loop.inp @base-pairs.inp end restraints dihedral nassign=300 @dihedrals.inp end evaluate($planarweight=50) ! AAFS' choice restraints planar @planars.inp end set echo=on message=all end noe ! Parameters for NOE effective energy term. ceiling=1000 averaging * cent potential * square sqconstant * 1 sqexponent * 2 scale * 100 ! Constant NOE scale throughout the protocol. end parameter nbonds ctonnb=9.5 ctofnb=10.5 cutnb=11.5 tolerance=0.5 rdie switch vswitch end end restraints dihedral scale=800 end coordinates @dgsa.pdb ! END in PDB file flags exclude * include bond angl dihe impr vdw elec noe cdih plan end ! Intial minimization. minimize powell nstep=200 nprint=25 end ! Constant temperature SA vector do (fbeta=100) (all) ! Coupling to heat bath. dynamics verlet iasvel=maxwell firsttemperature=$t tbath=$t tcoup=true nstep=$steps timestep=$timestep nprint=250 iprfrq=2500 trajectory=refine.tra nsavc=200 ! Save trajectory to file. end close refine.tra end ! Compute dynamics average over second half of trajectory. evaluate ($steps2=$steps/2) dynamics analysis average input=refine.tra begin=$steps2 skip=200 stop=$steps end close refine.tra end ! disposition=delete doesn't work ! Final minimization. minimize powell nstep=200 nprint=25 end ! Analyze and write out the final structure. print threshold=0.05 bonds evaluate ($rms_bond=$result) evaluate ($v_bond=$violations) print threshold=5 angles evaluate ($rms_angl=$result) evaluate ($v_angl=$violations) print threshold=15 dihedrals evaluate ($rms_dihe=$result) evaluate ($v_dihe=$violations) print threshold=5 impropers evaluate ($rms_impr=$result) evaluate ($v_impr=$violations) print threshold=0.2 noe evaluate ($rms_noe=$result) evaluate ($v_noe=$violations) print threshold=5 cdih evaluate ($rms_cdih=$result) evaluate ($v_cdih=$violations) set echo=off message=off end display Energy: bond $bond, angle $angl, dihedral $dihe, display improper $impr, NOE $noe, c-dihedral $cdih, display planar $plan, VdW $vdw, elec $elec, total $ener display RMSD: bond $rms_bond, angle $rms_angl, dihedral $rms_dihe, display improper $rms_impr, NOE $rms_noe, c-dihedral $rms_cdih display Violations: bond $v_bond, angle $v_angl, dihedral $v_dihe, display improper $v_impr, NOE $v_noe, c-dihedral $v_cdih set echo=on message=all end write coordinates output=refine.pdb end stop